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The obituary notice of Eirwen OWEN

Tregarth | Published in: Daily Post.

Stephen Jones Funeral Directors
Stephen Jones Funeral Directors
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EirwenOWEN28ain Fedi 2024.

Yn dawel yng nghartref Meddyg Care, Criccieth gynt o Tregarth yn 85 mlwydd oed.

Priod annwyl y diweddar Alun. Mam annwyl Ruth, Michael a'r diweddar Stephen. Nain hoffus Iwan, Emma ac Alice. Hen nain i Logan, Anest a Cai, chwaer annwyl i'r diweddae Rita ag Elwyn.

Gwasanaeth yn amlosgfa Bangor dydd Mawrh 8fed Hydref am 11-00 bore.

Blodau teulu ym unig, on derbynir rhoddion yn ddiochgarr tuag at Dementia UK trwy law Stephen Jones Ymgymerwr Angladdau Cyf, Pen y Bryn, Bethesd 01248 600455


28th September 2024.

Peacefully at Meddyg Care, Criccieth, formerly of Tregarth, aged 85 years.

Beloved wife of the late Alun. Devoted mother of Ruth, Michael and the late Stephen. Treasured grandmother of Iwan, Emma and Alice, great grandmother of Logan, Anest and Cai. Fond sister of the late Rita and Elwyn.

Funeral service at Bangor Crematorium on Tuesday 8th October at 11-00 a.m.

Family flowers only, but donations gratefully received towards Dementia UK c/o Stephen Jones Funeral Directors Ltd, Pen y Bryn, Bethesda 01248 600455.
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1750 visitors
Published: 04/10/2024
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Thank you from
Dementia Uk
For all the donations given
Very sorry for your loss, We very much appreciated her kindness as our neighbour.

Lily & Chris.
Donation left by Christian Graham